What is rendering?
It's the process of turning data and code into HTML to be seen by the end user
Can be done:
- in server or browser
- all at once or partially
1. Static Website
- create all webpages in advance and load them as static files into a cloud and point a domain name to them for displaying
- no dynamic data
- only suitable for basic websites that don’t require a lot of interactivity
- Hugo
- 11ty
- jekyll
2. Multi Page Applications
- html and data is put together dynamically on a server whenever a request comes in from a browser.
- data is rendered 100% on server
- appearance of webiste can change when underlying data can change
- ruby on rails
- django
- laravel
3. Sinlge Page Applications (SPA)
- You start with one html page as a shell and execute javascript to render UI and fetch any required data with additional HTTP requests
- Single-page can have multiple routes “Client-side routing” (routes don’t point to server, just updated by javascript)
- fast route transitions
- large js bundle, can make initial page load slow
- only renders a shell, bad for SEO that looks for all pages
- Angular.js
- React.js
4. Server Side Rendering with hydration (SSR)
- render initial page on server then hydrate to clientside js afterwards
- initial request goes to a server and renders everything dynamically, then after inital page load js takes over to give app like SPA experience
- server required (cost money)
- Next.js
- Nuxt.js
- Sveltekit
5. Static Site Generation with hydration (SSG)
- render all html in advance, then upload it to a static host (e.g., storage bucket) but like SSR will hydrate to JS after initial page load
- simple hosting
- app-like experience
- need to redeploy site whenever data changes
- Next.js
- Nuxt.js
- Sveltekit
6. Incremental Static Regeneration
- deploy a static site but rebuild individual pages on the fly on server when the cache is invalidated
- ache can be invalidated with certain rules
- static site
- dynamic server data
- complex to self-host
- Vercel
7. Partial Hydration
- on large websites, JS will have a lot to do for things that aren’t visible on initial page
- using PH, you may render components at top of page first, and wait until user scrolls down to render more components
- vite.js
8. Islands (Architecture)
- normally when loading, JS takes up entire page but isn’t very efficient because many components are static and not interactive
- With islands you start with static html then only use JS to hydrate interactive components giving you islands of interactivity
- astro
9. Streaming SSR
- allows you to render serverside content concurrently in multiple chunks instead of all at once
- the UI becomes interactive faster and feels more performant to end user
- Next.js 13
10. Resumability
- takes a website and all of its data, even js event listeners, are serilized into html then the js code is broken down into tons of tiny chunks
- initial page load is always html
- no hydration is needed
- any js required for interactivity is lazy loaded in background
- qwik